7 Best Thai Cookbooks & Recipe Books

Got a burning desire to make Thai food at home?

But those complex recipes and foreign ingredients are giving you a headache, right?

We feel you.

Cooking Thai cuisine can be a wild ride.

Worry not!

The right Thai cookbook can turn your kitchen chaos into a culinary paradise.

A simple, easy-to-follow guide – that’s the missing ingredient.

So, ready to whip up some Pad Thai?

And…some Tom Kha Gai maybe?

Let’s get started.

Top 7 Thai Cookbooks

Here is the list of Thai Cookbooks

  • Thai Food by David Thompson – Best Overall
  • Simple Thai Food: Classic Recipes from the Thai Home Kitchen by Leela Punyaratabandhu – Editor’s Choice
  • Night + Market: Delicious Thai Food to Facilitate Drinking and Fun-Having Amongst Friends A Cookbook by Kris Yenbamroong, Garrett Snyder – Best for Authentic Recipes
  • Pok Pok: Food and Stories from the Streets, Homes, and Roadside Restaurants of Thailand by Andy Ricker, JJ Goode, Austin Bush, David Thompson – Best for Street Food Lovers
  • The Better Than Takeout Thai Cookbook: Favorite Thai Food Recipes Made at Home by Danette St. Onge – Best Budget Option
  • Baan: Recipes and stories from my Thai home by Kay Plunkett-Hogge – Best for Home Cooking
  • Thai Street Food by David Thompson – Best for Food Photography

Thai Food by David Thompson

Thai Food by David Thompson: A Culinary Masterpiece

Dive into the heart of Thai cuisine with David Thompson’s “Thai Food”.

This isn’t just a cookbook; it’s an odyssey.

With a whopping 688 pages, Thompson doesn’t just share recipes;

he immerses you in Thai culture, history, and the very essence of its flavors.

The book’s depth is astounding, from the intricate details of rice cultivation to the vibrant tapestry of regional dishes.

Thompson’s passion is palpable, making you feel like you’re wandering through a bustling Bangkok market or sitting in a quaint Thai village home.

The recipes? Authentic, diverse, and a testament to Thailand’s rich culinary heritage.

Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a curious foodie, this book is a treasure trove of Thai delights.

And remember, it’s not just about the food; it’s about the journey.

So, grab your wok and embark on a Thai culinary adventure.

You won’t regret it.

Simple Thai Food: Classic Recipes from the Thai Home Kitchen by Leela Punyaratabandhu

Simple Thai Food: Classic Recipes from the Thai Home Kitchen by Leela Punyaratabandhu is a gem.

Imagine a cookbook that transports you straight to a Thai home kitchen.

The recipes? Authentic.

The flavors? Bold and aromatic.

Leela’s approach is rooted in tradition, yet she’s not afraid to infuse her own creative flair.

The dishes?

They’re a sensory delight, tantalizing your taste buds with a harmonious blend of spices, herbs, and textures.

And the best part? It’s all doable in your own kitchen.

No need for fancy equipment or elusive ingredients.

Just pure, simple Thai cooking at its finest.

If you’re keen on diving into Thai cuisine, this is your golden ticket.

And… it’s my Editor’s Choice.

Night + Market: Delicious Thai Food to Facilitate Drinking and Fun-Having Amongst Friends A Cookbook by Kris Yenbamroong, Garrett Snyder

A delightful journey into the heart of Thai cuisine.

Kris Yenbamroong, with Garrett Snyder, crafts a narrative that’s both educational and engaging.

The recipes? Authentic.

The flavors? Bold and tantalizing.

It’s evident that the essence of Thai street food and the vibrancy of night markets are captured within these pages.

The award of ‘Best for Authentic Recipes’?

Absolutely deserved.

This cookbook doesn’t just offer recipes; it’s an invitation to experience Thai culture through its food.

And for someone like me, who’s tasted global flavors, this book stands out.

It’s a must-have for those passionate about genuine culinary experiences.

Pok Pok: Food and Stories from the Streets, Homes, and Roadside Restaurants of Thailand by Andy Ricker, JJ Goode, Austin Bush, David Thompson

“Pok Pok” isn’t just a cookbook. It’s a journey.

Andy Ricker, with JJ Goode, Austin Bush, and David Thompson, transports you straight to the bustling streets of Thailand.

The aroma of sizzling street food, the cacophony of roadside eateries, and the rich tapestry of tales from the heart of Thailand come alive.

This book is a treasure trove for street food aficionados.

The recipes? Authentic.

The stories? Heartfelt.

The photography? A visual feast.

If you’ve ever yearned to recreate the magic of Thai street food in your kitchen, this is your guide.

And for those with a penchant for the real deal, it’s a revelation.

A must-have for every culinary explorer.

And… it’s a winner for street food lovers.

The Better Than Takeout Thai Cookbook: Favorite Thai Food Recipes Made at Home by Danette St. Onge

Drawing from the rich tapestry of Thai cuisine, “The Better Than Takeout Thai Cookbook” by Danette St. Onge is a culinary gem.

It’s a passport to the vibrant streets of Thailand, right from your kitchen.

The book offers a delightful array of recipes, each echoing the authentic flavors and traditions of Thai food.

Danette’s approach is both practical and passionate, making Thai cooking accessible to all.

The recipes are clear, concise, and brimming with sensory details—think aromatic herbs, zesty spices, and tantalizing textures.

Awarded as the “Best Budget Option”, it’s a must-have for those craving genuine Thai dishes without breaking the bank.

And for someone like me, who’s traversed the globe tasting diverse cuisines.

This cookbook stands out as a true representation of Thai culinary artistry.

Baan: Recipes and stories from my Thai home by Kay Plunkett-Hogge

Baan: Recipes and Stories from my Thai Home” by Kay Plunkett-Hogge isn’t just another Thai cookbook.

Born in Bangkok, Kay’s connection with Thailand runs deep, making her a true authority on Thai cuisine.

The word “Baan” encapsulates the essence of home, hearth, and community.

Kay’s book is a culinary journey, showcasing regional recipes that go beyond the usual.

It’s seasoned with authority, wit, and a touch of soul.

The recipes? Authentic.

From the spicy green curry to the simple stir-fried pork with holy basil, each dish tells a story.

And while some ingredients might challenge you, the end result is worth it.

Because when you cook from “Baan”, you’re not just preparing food, you’re crafting memories.

And if you’re eager to get your hands on this gem,

Thai Street Food by David Thompson

“Thai Street Food” by David Thompson isn’t just a cookbook.

It’s a journey.

A journey through the bustling streets of Thailand, where food isn’t just sustenance but the very heartbeat of the nation.

Thompson, with a Michelin star to his name, captures the essence of Thai street cuisine in this masterpiece.

The book is a visual treat, thanks to Earl Carter’s photography.

It’s not just about the dishes but the life around them.

The recipes? Authentic.

Some might seem daunting with their list of ingredients, but remember, these dishes were born on the streets.

Some are simple, others intricate, but all are a testament to Thailand’s rich culinary heritage.

A must-have for those passionate about food.

And yes, it’s big.

So, make some space on your bookshelf.

Final Say So!

Embarking on a Thai culinary journey has never been easier.

With the right cookbook in hand, the vibrant streets of Thailand come alive in your kitchen.

From the bustling markets of Bangkok to the quaint village homes, these cookbooks are your passport to authentic Thai flavors.

So, whether you’re a seasoned chef or a budding food enthusiast, dive into these treasures and let your taste buds dance to the rhythm of Thai cuisine.

Ready, set, cook!

Renee Searcy

Hi! I’m Renee. From a young age, I’ve been enchanted by the flavors, aromas, and the art of cooking. My journey has taken me from my family’s kitchen to working with some of the most talented chefs and culinary experts in Atlanta, GA, and beyond.

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