
Welcome to our kitchen of transparency! At Crazy Cooking Lady, we believe in being open and honest with our readers, just like sharing our favourite recipes. This Disclosure Page is here to provide you with information about our relationships with retailers and how we operate. Let’s break it down:

Affiliate Partnerships:

We are proud to be affiliated with various retailers, including Amazon and others, who reward us with a commission for purchases made through our links. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Affiliate Links: Some of the links on our blog may be affiliate links. If you click on them and make a purchase, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
  2. Our Commitment: While we may receive a commission, this does not influence our opinion, recommendations, or content. Our reviews and suggestions are based on our genuine beliefs, research, and experience. Think of it as choosing the best ingredients for a dish; we wouldn’t compromise on quality.
  3. Transparency: We’ll always let you know if a post contains affiliate links. It’s like listing the ingredients in a recipe; we want you to know what’s inside.

Product Reviews:

  1. Honest Opinions: If we review a product, whether gifted or purchased, we’ll give you our honest opinion, like a chef’s candid thoughts on a new dish.
  2. No Guarantees: Our reviews and recommendations are based on our experience and research, but we can’t guarantee that every product will suit your individual tastes or needs.


  1. Sponsored Content: Occasionally, we may feature sponsored content. We’ll always disclose this clearly, ensuring you know what’s on your plate.

Your Trust is Our Main Ingredient:

  1. Integrity: Your trust is essential to us. We strive to provide valuable content, honest opinions, and clear disclosures. It’s our recipe for a trustworthy relationship.
  2. Questions?: If you have any questions about our affiliations, reviews, or anything else, please contact us at [email protected]. We’re here to chat, just like sharing kitchen secrets.


By using our blog, you acknowledge and accept our disclosure practices. We appreciate your support and trust, and we promise to continue serving you with integrity, creativity, and passion.

Happy Cooking and Exploring! ๐Ÿณ๐Ÿ“œ